For the Christmas holidays, Hopkins decided to offer traders a free brush and in exchange asked them to display advertising material in the shop . For the opening of a Swift department store , a Chicago canning company, he organized an event in which the largest cake in the world would be prepared with the company's lard instead of butter. A few years later, he was contacted by unsold cough remedy . On this occasion, Hopkins created the money back guarantee formula
aiming to spread the product with an approach aimed 1000 Mobile Number List at direct consumers. storia del copywriting Claude C Hopkins Birra Schiltz Facile Web Marketing One of Claude Hopkins' campaigns for Schiltz beer, "the beer that made Milwaukee famous." As a top copywriter for JL Stack Advertising Agency , Hopkins created one of his most successful campaigns, for Schlitz beer , in which he demonstrated the importance of the reason why . In fact, he did not limit himself to affirming the quality of the product, but
explained what were the factors that made Schlitz a high quality beer . Preparation methods and ingredients were described in great detail. The result? Schlitz reached the top of the market thanks to the slogan “the beer that made Milwaukee famous”. “ Advertising exists for the sole purpose of sales and profit. Therefore the message must be clear, concise, without mincing words or artifices ." Claude C. Hopkins This is the legacy Hopkins wrote in in his masterpiece Scientific Advertising . Robert Collier ( – ) Collier is known more for his book The Secret of the Ages and his membership of the New Tought than for his fame as a copywriter.