More funds need to be directed towards other activities. is an efficient use of taxpayer funds. What more could be done? And in this case, how does the country view whether funds are being used effectively? If we want to move the economy toward higher value addition, we need to support companies that, in addition to manufacturing plants, also own intellectual capital and, more broadly, intangible assets such as patents and trademarks.
Most of these assets are associated with higher added value. In our economy, they are Italy WhatsApp Number List mostly owned by companies controlled by domestic capital. Therefore, I will support the development of Czech SMEs as well as startups with interesting products with global potential. There is no universal way to assess investment costs. It exists as an investment incentive, but not much cost-benefit analysis and impact research has been done on these projects.
Impact analysis is a major topic for Deputy Marek Havrda, who is working to strengthen the analytical capabilities of government offices. I think the problem with efficient allocation is that the semiconductor industry's share of Czech VAT is still low, but the outlook is positive. It doesn't make much sense to assign a multiple of sales to it. There will be no absorptive capacity. But targeted money can make enough music. Czechs are involved in the development of future chips. Silicon's successor should lead to better chargers or electric car