How do I bind customers to my online shop
In order to bind customers to your online shop, a good shopping experience is particularly important. That is, can he find the products he is looking for straight away? And can he add them to the shopping cart and shop intuitively and without any problems? This means that customer loyalty starts before the purchase and doesn't stop afterwards, quite the opposite. This is where you should really step on the gas when it comes to customer loyalty. And today I'll show you how. There are of course several ways to bind customers to an online shop.Today I would like to explicitly address the topic of email marketing because I think it is actually Special Data a very obvious channel. And I can also address customers very personally and directly. The advantage is that if customers have already purchased from you, you already have at least their name and email address as data. This means you can actually send them emails directly. Then you already know the purchasing behavior of customers. This means you know what he bought and what he is interested in. This is also an advantage that you should use for yourself.
Analyze your customers, use what you know about them to address them specifically and bring them back to your shop. We'll look at it all using an example. Let's say you have a baby shop. Here, expectant parents naturally find out more about baby equipment. The good thing is that baby equipment includes a lot of products. And the thing is, it follows a certain pattern and a certain process. This means that initially parents will probably research and purchase a stroller. And it doesn't stop with the stroller. This means that after the stroller comes more baby equipment. Probably when weaning, the bottle.